Road To Recovery
My Testimony
My Testimony
Sharing My Faith
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About Road To Recovery
Twelve Steps To Recovery
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Here's the story of my path to faith... Many of us often hear stories of drug addicts or alcoholics that have had a spiritual awakening in their lives, that have led them into a life of serving the Lord. Well mine is quite the opposite. I was a young man at the age of 19 when I accepted Jesus as my Lord and Saviour. I went on to study for the ministry, and became an ordained minister at the age of 24. I labored as youth pastor, associate pastor, and eventually pastored a church for several years to the age of 34. I was married with 3 wonderfull children, a daughter and twin sons. My ministry came under attack, and my home, and I found myself waking up one morning without my wife, my children or the church. I blamed God for taking all this away from me, my anger led me astray, and within the next ten years I went from the pulpit to a $1000.00 a day cocaine habit. After losing everything I owned, facing life in prison, I reached as we addicts and alcoholics call rock bottom. I turned to the only One that I knew could help me, and that was Jesus. In the following pages of this site, I, with the Lord's help and guidance, will show you a 100% recovery program that works, if you obey what the Word says about alcoholism and drug addiction. This is God's program, it's not your way, or AA's way, its's God's way. May the Lord lead you and guide you into the truth, for you shall know the truth, and the truth will set you free.
Rev. Gary Raymond


I would like at this time to tell you how I started to find my way back to the Lord.
Facing many years of jail time ahead of me I knew I needed help, I didnt want to be an addict, I didnt wake up one morning and tell myself I want a life of misery, I was ashamed of myself, and had nowhere to turn but my loving mother.
Here I was 34 years old lost everything, had no job, and came back home to my small town in northern Michigan. I got a job flipping burgers for minimum wage waiting for federal agents to track me down. My employer learning of my predictament invited me to attend AA meetings with him, and helped me admit myself into a recovery program, telling me it would help me when it was time to stand before a judge.
It was while I was in the rehab center after several weeks, that I had a spiritual awakening. I remember that I got down on my knees in the privacy of my room, and called out to God, for deliverence. It was here that He revealed to me the truth about my addictions, I was immediately delivered and set free from the bondage of addiction.
It is this revelation from God that I wish to share with you, a message from God that will set you free. I mean totally free. No more bondage of being lied to that you are sick, that you have a disease, that it isnt your fault. No more fears of relapse, you are free. Jesus said I have come to set the captives free.
Please after viewing my web page, contact me and ask for my tapes of deliverance, just think, you can have your life back again, totally free from bondage, whether clean or sober.
Thank you once again for taking time to visit, Im looking forward to hearing from you.
Rev. Gary Raymond
